Results ISO8041

For hand-arm-Vibrations for 'sum' the vector sum will be calculated ( square root of x²+y²+z²), and for whole body vibrations the maximum of the weighted results for the x-, y- and z-axis are calculated.


Please note that the calculated values can be weighted dependent of the evaluation type.


The sum / respective maximum values have to be compared with the upper and lower action value, which can be different for each vibration channel group.




The results for each working cycle will be calculated. For the duration of the working cycle the 'effective' duration will be displayed. This means the time during which the trigger conditions for all additional channels are fulfilled.


During the calculation of the results for the vibration channels and for the additions channels only those values are included, for which the trigger conditions for all additional channels are fulfilled.

Results of the vibration channels

X / Y / Z

Weighted intervall-RMS of the weighted acceleration (weighted hand arm vibrations according to EN ISO 8041) in x-, y- and z-direction.


Hand arm vibrations:

Geometric sum (vector sum of the interval RMS for each axis (x,y,z), calculated by time and frequency weighted signals.


Whole body vibrations :

Maximum of the interval RMS for each axis (x,y,z), calculated by time and frequency weighted signals.


Hand arm vibrations:

Maximum instantaneous value of the time and frequency weighted sum signal, for which the trigger conditions for each additional channel are fulfilled.


Whole body vibrations :

Maximum instantaneous value of the maximum of the time and frequency weighted RMS for each axis (x,y,z), for which the trigger conditions for each additional channel are fulfilled.


X max / Y max / Z max

Largest maximum instantaneous value of the frequency weighted x-, y-, or z-signal for which the trigger conditions for each additional channels are fulfilled.

Results of the additional channels

For the calculation of the results for the additional channels always the raw data are used, despite of the selected display (raw data or mean RMS for 1s).


Smallest value for the selected working cycle for which the trigger conditions are fulfilled.


Arithmetic mean of all values of the selected working cycle for which the trigger conditions are fulfilled.


Largest value for selected working cycle for which the trigger conditions are fulfilled.


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