Creating your own Excel Template

The output of the results is determined as much as possible by the Excel Template.


Where which value is placed is determined by field texts (place holders for incoming data). Field texts begin with a specific sign "<" followed by a the field text itself. In the picture the field text <ProjectNote> can be seen in the cell that is displayed at B35. During the evaluation the field texts in the Template searched for and replaced by the appropriate data.


The key-words can be found below in the following sections:


General Information


Information about a Measurement

Information about a sound level measurement

Information about a vibration measurement

Information about a vibration measurement / whole-body vibration

Information about a vibration measurement / hand-arm vibration


General Information for Measurements for Personal Work Protection Evaluations


Information for Device Configuration



Example Excel Worksheet


In order for the program to recognize the field text it must follow exact guidelines. A field text must always begin with "<field text name>" with no spaces between the "<" and the field text name. Additionally there should be no spaces between the last character of the field text definition ">" as well as before the last character. Inside of the field texts capitalization is irrelevant ( "MLAeq" and "MLAEQ" are both correct).


List of possible key words

General Information


Field Text Name

Meaning of Field Text


Over Threshold Level LAeq [dB] (Upper Exposure Action Value)


Lower Threshold Level LAeq [dB] (Upper Exposure Action Value)


Over Threshold Level LCPeak [dB] (Upper Exposure Action Value)


LowerThreshold Level LCPeak [dB] (Upper Exposure Action Value)


Comments are recorded in this field that can be entered in the Project Info Dialogue.

<Graphic H="5.54">

Graphics are recorded in this field that can be entered in the Project Info Dialogue. The entry "H" represents the height in cm that the graphic should be. The graphic will then be automatically adapted to this height.




In order to acquire the optimal height, during the design of the template it has proven best to insert the desired graphic in the correct spot and then to stretch it to the desired size. Then to right click on the graphic and select "Format Graphic". Under size one can than see the current height in cm.
They know then with a right mouse-click on the diagram "diagram to format" select, under "size" can you then the current height in cm see.


Precision Class of the level meter


Uncertainty Allowance according to the precision class of the level meter

<AddInfo Label="Firma" Index="1" Optional="N">

As much additional project information as required can defined to the project in the Excel Template . This information will be displayed in the Project Info Dialogue and can be edited there.


The definition of the additional project information happens as follows:


The name of the field text is <AddInfo. In addition the parameters Label, Index and Optional can be entered within the the field text.


Label defines what additional information text in the dialogue "Project Info" from the table should be displayed. 

defines in what order the additional project information from the project info dialogue should be shown. If no index is defined than the additional project information will be displayed in the order found within the worksheet. This parameter can also be left out.

Optional defines whether an entry for this project info must be given in the project info dialogue. Optional="N" means that the entry is compulsory. If no entry is made for "Optional" than is "Y" the default. It is therefore not necessary to make an entry here.


General Information for Personal Work Protection Evaluations

Field Text Name

Meaning of Field Text


total assessment time in minutes for the personal work evaluation, normally 480 minutes (=8 hours)


personal noise exposure Lex,T in dB for personal work evaluation


Is calculated by:


Lex,T = 10 * Log10 ( (Sum (Ti * 10 0.1 * LAeq,middle ) ) / Tges )


Information about  a measurement

The measurement and evaluation data is normally entered in tabular form. In doing so enter the row of field text in which line for the output for these values should start.

The data of the measurements are then entered starting from this line one after another in the relevant column. This means that the field texts for measurement and evaluation data will normally be located with in one row. Otherwise the evaluation could be misleading.


If a field text is not entered, the corresponding data will not be displayed.


The displaying of output and the calculation formulas: can be entered in the Project Info Dialogue so that the uncertainty allowance will be added in accordance with the precision class of the utilised devices according to DIN 45645-2; in this way adding, in the output of all level measurements, the uncertainty allowance in accordance with the class of the utilised level meter.


Please note:


Key words for the results of a measurement have to be placed in one row, if they are used. The key words affected are:


<Mnr>, <Mawx>, <Mawy>, <Mawz>, <MdailyH>, <MdailyM>, <Mnote>


<Mnr>, <Mawx8>, <Mawy8>, <Mawz8>, <MexpAH>, <MexpAM>, <MexpADir>, <MexpEH>, <MexpEM>, <MexpEDir>


<Mnr>, <Mahv>, <Mahv8>, <Mpei>, <MexpAH>, <MexpAM>, <MexpEH>, <MexpEM>


<MKQ>, <MTON>, <MLEX8h>, <MLEAVexceeded>,  <MUEAVexceeded>, <MActions ...>, <MExposureTime>, <MTWALevel>


Field Text Name

Meaning of Field Text


Measurement File Name


Description of the measurement (will be displayed in the main dialogue in the  measurement table)


Date and Time of the measurement


Information about a sound level measurement


Field Text Name

Meaning of Field Text


LAeq of the measurement


LCeq of the measurement


LAIeq of the measurement


LCpeak of the measurement


Impulse allowance Kq for this measurement. Kq is calculated as follows:

Kq = 0,  when LAIeq - LAeq < 2

Kq = LAIeq – LAeq, when LAIeq - LAeq greater or equal to 2


Noise Class (Type of Noise). Is calculated as follows:

"HM", if LCEQ - LAEQ <= 5

"L" otherwise


middle load based on 8 hours Lex,8h. Is calculated as follows:

LAr8h  = LAIeq , if LAeq >= 85 AND LAeq < 90 AND LAIeq >= 90 AND Kq > 2


LAr8h = LAeq


the lower threshold level (lower Exposure Action Value) for Lex,8h has been exceeded (Enter „Yes“ or „No“). This threshold level was set at 80 dBA in the European Union Directive 2003/10/EC.


the upper threshold level (upper Exposure Action Value) for Lex,8h has been exceeded (Enter „Yes“ or „No“). This threshold level was set at 85 dBA in the European Union Directive 2003/10/EC.

<Mactions ...>

Description of Measures that must be taken if the threshold level is exceeded.
The following parameters can then be entered:


No: This text will be displayed if no threshold level is exceeded.

LEAVexceededText: This text is displayed if the lower threshold level is exceeded.

UEAVexceededText: This text is displayed if the upper threshold level is exceeded.




If a detailed description of the necessary measures is listed in the Excel Templates footnotes * 1 and/or. *2, the field text could be displayed in this way:


<MActions No="-" LEAVexceededText="see *1" UEAVexceededText="see *1, *2">

Information about a vibration measurement

Field Text Name

Meaning of Field Text


Number of period of exposure


frequency-weighted r.m.s. vibration acceleration value in m/s² in x-direction, average over the total period of measurement


frequency-weightedr.m.s. vibration acceleration value in m/s² in y-direction, average over the total period of measurement


frequency-weighted r.m.s. vibration acceleration value in m/s² in z-direction, average over the total period of measurement


dailyduration of exposure / hours


dailyduration of exposure / minutes


duration of exposure until achievement of the daily action value/ hours


duration of exposure until achievement of the daily action value/ minutes


duration of exposure until achievement of the daily exposure limit value / hours


duration of exposure until achievement of the daily exposure limit value / minutes

Information about a vibration measurement / whole-body vibration

Field Text Name

Meaning of Field Text


judgement acceleration value() of partial exposure in m/s² in x-direction,  normalised to an eight-hour reference period


judgement acceleration value of partial exposure in m/s² in y-direction,  normalised to an eight-hour reference period


judgement acceleration value of partial exposure in z-direction,  normalised to an eight-hour reference period


score of exposition for partial exposure in x-direction


score of exposition for partial exposure in y-direction


score of exposition for partial exposure in z-direction


daily exposure value in m/s² in x-direction, normalised to an eight-hour reference period


daily exposure value in m/s² in y-direction, normalised to an eight-hour reference period


daily exposure value in m/s² in z-direction, normalised to an eight-hour reference period


daily total of score of exposition in x-direction


daily total of score of exposition in y-direction


daily total of score of exposition in z-direction


daily exposure value A(8), normalised to an eight-hour reference period


daily exposure score PE, normalised to an eight-hour reference period

Information about a vibration measurement / hand-arm vibration

Field Text Name

Meaning of Field Text


total value of the frequency-weighted acceleration values in m/s²


daily exposition total ahv(8) in m/s²


score of exposition PEi


daily exposure value normalised to an eight-hour reference periodin m/s²


daily total of score of exposition PE


Text for actions required. Text may be:


If action value is not exceeded:

'no actions required'


If action value exceeded, but not exposure limit value exceeded:

'actions required'


If exposure limit value is exceeded:

'root cause analysis, immediate measures!'


Information about measurements for personal work protection evaluations

Field Text Name

Meaning of Field Text


TWA, time-weighted average Ti (Only for personal work protection evaluation)


Partial Assessment Level LAeq,middle. Is calculated as:

LAeq,middle = Lex,8h  + 10 * Log10 ( TWA / 480 )

Information about device configuration   

The utilised device configuration can also be displayed. This also occurs in tabular form because the configuration is normally made up of multiple devices. The same as by the display of measurement and evaluation data, enter the rows in which the value should start being displayed in the rows of field text. The data from the individual devices will then be written from this row in the corresponding column. This means that the field text for the device configuration should normally be located in one row. If a field text is not entered, the corresponding data will not be displayed.


Field Text Name

Meaning of Field Text


Device Manufacturer


Device Designation


Serial Number of the Device


Date of the last Calibration of the Device



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